July 12, 2009

PeopleSoft Technical: Questions I

1. Where is the Application Data cached ?
-NOT IN any of (Application/Web/Batch Server/Browser cache)
Answer ?

2. Peoplesoft tracks object changes using system table PSRELEASE.

3. Selecting SearchEdit from Record Field Properties Validates a field for Data to be entered on save of search dialog.

4. When can a value be added in the underlying table?
-Prompt table with No Edit

5. EFFDT/EFFSEQ/Check Box/Radio Button are typically marked as required.

6. What type of index is created when more than one Search Key Field exists in a record?
-Non-Clustered Index/ Unique / Clustered Index/ any of the combinations
Answer ?

7. All related fields are not display only.
Example ?
8. What are the Component Parameters specified while creating the Content Reference ?
-Menu/Component/Market/Node Name/All of Above
First 3 are correct. How ?
9. If a record in scroll has no EFFDT field and a prompt in the scroll area has EFFDT, then the rows are retrived based on
a) Rows catagorized against the system date and
b) Current, active rows are retrievable

10. Parent Record property in the Record Properties is used to Ensure online cross-reference utilities correctly identify the relationships among records.

11. If a page references a field from a record, the component processor will select every column and all rows of data subordinate to the search key for storage in the application server buffer except Level 0 with search keys, Related Fields, Derived/Work Field.

12. Default Port set for PeopleCode Debugger in Configuration Manager is 9500.

13. Secondary page inherits the buffer level of the control from where it is launched.

14. Add the field SETID, as a KEY field to each table you want to share, and then define the set control field to set up table-sharing in Peoplesoft Applications.

15. "Database access ID" and "Password" are required to login to Data Mover in BootStrap mode.

16. Developer, Large, Medium and Small Types of Configuration Templates are available while creating a Application Server Domain thru PSADMIN Utility.

17. If a Component is set to Interactive Processing and One of the Page is set to Deferred Processing, then the Page performs Interactive Processing.

18. Peoplesoft variables (global, component, local and parameter), method and property names can now be upto 1000 characters long.

19. Activate Event is Valid for Standard & Secondary Pages.

20. A PeopleCode Program is automatically saved to a file while you are working on it. This Checkpoint will occur
a) At every 10 keystrokes
b) On a Save Command, just prior to Save being executed.
c) When another PeopleCode program is selected for editing.

21. Interlink datatype can be declared as local, and not as global/component. (same is true for JavaObject, TransformData, XmlNode)

22. All APIObject Datatypes like Session, PSMessages Collection, PSMessage, Query Classes and all Tree Classes( trees, tree structures, tree nodes, levels and so on) must be declared as GLOBAL except JavaObject.

23. DoSave() can be called from FieldEdit, FieldChange and MenuItemSelected.

24. Display Characteristics are associated with RowInit and FieldChange.

25. Maximum length for any PeopleCode Function is 30.

26. In Configuration Manager, the Connect ID Edit Box must contain a value or the user can't sign on to the system in two-tier environment.

27. DB User mentioned in Connect ID should have access to PSACCESSPRFL, PSSTATUS and PSOPRDEFN PeopleTables.

28. PSWORKLIST record is used for workflow routing. It should contains minimum of 6 Keys in Ascending Order.

29. TriggerBusinessEvent is used for triggering the workflow and its written on workflow event. TriggerBusiness Event has the syntax TriggerBusinessEvent(BusProcess, BusActivity, BusEvent);

30. psadmin - p start -d hrdemo starts a Process Scheduler.
a) psadmin - p is for PROCESS SCHEDULER AND
b) psadmin - c is for APPS SERVER

31. Search Records
a) build the search page for the component.
b) populate level zero on all pages that are in the component.
c) provide a high-level key to the primary records that are referenced in the component.

32. Find Definition Reference utility in Application Designer is the most efficient way to determine the effect of modifying a definition.

33. Summary Pages are display only and contain no related fields.

34. On the Process Scheduler Request page, you have to define the output type for your job or process. Which three statements are true regarding the process output type?
a) An output type that is selected for a job at the main job level carries through to the job items.
b) An output type that is selected for individual job items overwrites the output type that is entered for the parent job.
c) An output type that is selected for a process at the process definition level overwrites the output type in the Process Scheduler Request page, and the Type drop-down list box in the Process Scheduler Request page becomes unavailable.

35. Column Order, PeopleCode and Query Security record can be maintained in a PeopleSoft record definition.

36. SQL table should be rebuild if
a) length of a non-key field is changed.
b) Alt-Srch-Key check box is deselected.
c) an Asc-Key is changed to Desc-Key.

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